🎥 [Replay] BFCM Planning Session

Hey there friend! Thank you so much for signing up for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday planning session. We covered a LOT in our time together!

I am trying something new here with these workshops: they are hosted/stored on a platform called Thrivecart. You have been added as a "student" in there but you will need to create a password: you should have received an email from Thrivecart with the subject line 'Verify your email to access your courses'. Click the blue "sign in to your account" button and you should see this (with your name and email address of course):

you will create a password and click the blue "complete registration" button. From there, you will be able to access your planning session recording and links to download the docs, templates, and PDFs that came along with it.

Here is the login link for you to save:


You can also click here to log in and use the "Forgot Your Password" link below the sign in button to set a password.

You must use the email address you used when you enrolled/paid for the workshop, as this is the email you are registered with. If for some reason you go to log in and are unable to set your password, please hit reply and let me know so that I can straighten it out.

At the end of the workshop, I shared an invitation to check out The Marketing School for Makers membership. What I have done here is re-organize and combine content from The Business School for Makers, The Marketing School for Makers, and the Bloom Business Accelerator to create one central, accessible resource gallery that you can access and work through as you grow your business.

The membership has two levels: The Marketing School for Makers and Marketing Masters. You can see what is included at each level of the membership here, and I'll also be recording a separate "walk through" video that I'll share with you in a few days. If you go to the last 15 minutes or so of the planning session recording, you'll see the behind-the-scenes walkthrough and get a peek at what's included.

Psst: Let's connect on Instagram, where you'll get even more behind-the-scenes scoop, stories, and tips!

Lucy at Bloom

✂️ Your go-to resource for learning how to find more of the people who will LOVE your art, so that you can sell more of your handmade products with lots of confidence – and WAY less hustle!

Read more from Lucy at Bloom

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