πŸ’ƒπŸ»Last chance dance [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]!

Happy Fri-yay Reader!


I wanted to pop in with a quick reminder that I've got three live sessions next week for my brand new free workshop, the Handmade Holiday Sales Accelerator.


My robot assistant tells me that you haven't signed up yet, and unless you're planning on sitting this holiday sales season out – which would be totally fine (we all need a break!) – this is going to be THE most valuable 90 minutes you spend on your business this summer!

Your holiday sales are a direct result of your spring and summer efforts...and if you're anything like me then you need a little extra push right around this time of year to get your ducks in a row and make the most of this slower selling season.


The Handmade Holiday Sales Accelerator free workshop is for you if:

✨ You are a maker who wants to make a profit and run a business – no more "made back my table fee" sales for you!
✨ You know that NOW is the time to start preparing for the holidays...except you never seem to be able to get that far ahead
✨ You're totally over dragging those tables and tents around every. single. weekend – and have seriously considered maybe applying for a job at Aldi
✨ You know that you *should* be selling online, you *want to* sell online, but you just haven't quite gotten it set up yet
✨ You're done DIY-ing your business and are ready to level up and learn from a pro


It's free, it's fun, and it's gonna be fantastic...but only for those who are ready to rock their handmade business sales.


If that's you Reader, then I'll see you next week!




P.S.: A limited-time replay will be sent out to everyone who has registered, so if you aren't able to attend live, just choose a time and you can watch the replay at your convenience!




Psst: Let's connect on Instagram, where you'll get even more behind-the-scenes scoop, stories, and tips!





Lucy at Bloom

βœ‚οΈ Your go-to resource for learning how to find more of the people who will LOVE your art, so that you can sell more of your handmade products with lots of confidence – and WAY less hustle!

Read more from Lucy at Bloom

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