🤔 Repeat customers? Or nah...

A couple of weeks ago, I had a bit of a breakthrough.

As you know, my "sweet spot" is marketing – more specifically, relationship marketing. That's really just a "formal" way of saying that I love connecting with people, hearing stories, and building community.

What that translates to with my work here at Bloom is teaching handmade business owners learn how to find – and keep – more people who are going to love and buy their work.

I realized that there was no one out there (myself included) who was really clearly breaking down how your marketing efforts are different depending on the type of customer you're talking to – in terms that are specific to handmade business.

...so during an inspired (though poorly timed) 4:30am "a-ha!" brainstorming session, I mapped out EXACTLY what this looks like.

Then, I put together a workshop that laid this all out: specifically defining the two customer "buckets", laying out the marketing strategies for each customer 'bucket', and where handmade business owners should be focusing their marketing efforts based on the stage of business they are in. (That workshop replay will be available to watch through next Thursday...it's SO GOOD!).

Spoiler alert: your REPEAT CUSTOMERS are the ones who hold the keys to the golden gate when it comes to making more sales, and if you don't have specific marketing activities targeted towards them in your marketing plan, then you're likely to always be in a cycle of trying to pick up shows and wondering why your social media sounds like a field of crickets.

The good news? I've got a fully-fleshed out step-by-step program that gives you a ✨crystal clear✨ action path for how to get new customers (growth and acquisition) and nurture repeat customers (retention and scaling) so that you are F-I-N-A-L-L-Y able to jump off of the constant hamster wheel of trying to make more money by picking up more shows or getting more social followers.

The Marketing School for Makers is officially open for enrollment for the Winter 2024 class, and if you are ready to quit trying to patch this plan together on your own and finally make some progress in your business, then this is the PERFECT time for you to join us!

The winter 2024 students are getting a fully-loaded power pack of bonuses, combined with 12 weeks of intensive business coaching from the Bloom team of handmade business experts.

Listen. There’s NO other program out there like The Marketing School for Makers.

NOTHING out there walks you through the process of building your handmade business with the Bloom F.R.I.E.N.D. framework – knowing how to move out of the race with mass-produced products and getting to cut way down on the weekend hustle. (ICYMI, Here's that free workshop where I taught the framework earlier this week)

Perhaps more importantly, there's no other team of expert handmade business coaches out there with expertise in marketing, communication, and handmade business ownership that teaches how to reprogram your entire business thought process – a framework to create a shift of seismic proportions that will connect you so deeply with the people who will love your work that you'll find yourself wondering how you were running this business any other way.

So when you’re ready, I’ll see you on the other side of this link ...the Winter 2024 Rockstars are being born right now, and if you want to be one of them Reader, there's never been a better time.

This is the time, my friend. If you are ready to put yourself back on the list of priorities in 2024 and make the absolute most of learning and growing your business during this slower season, then this is for you.

P.S.: This will be the 14th group of students to join in with this program, and this cohort of students will get the elite package of live support that is offered with the Bloom VIP package of bonuses (currently 12 weeks of live group coaching in a private dedicated student group with access to me and the Bloom team of coaches, and 12 live Q&A calls with me).

Students who enroll any any time get lifetime access to all of the core course content and bonuses, plus of course any and all future updates to The Marketing School for Makers content. Once you’re in, you’re in!

Doors will open again in April 2024 with a new coaching and bonus package, so don't miss out on this VIP bonus suite while it's still part of the deal!

P.P.S.: If you want to continue to receive weekly emails for makers from Bloom but don't want to hear about The Marketing School for Makers this time, click here and let us know!

You will continue to get our regular Wednesday weekly emails, but you won't get any more emails about The Marketing School for Makers during this enrollment period.

Lucy at Bloom

✂️ Your go-to resource for learning how to find more of the people who will LOVE your art, so that you can sell more of your handmade products with lots of confidence – and WAY less hustle!

Read more from Lucy at Bloom

Hey there friend! Thank you so much for signing up for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday planning session. We covered a LOT in our time together! I am trying something new here with these workshops: they are hosted/stored on a platform called Thrivecart. You have been added as a "student" in there but you will need to create a password: you should have received an email from Thrivecart with the subject line 'Verify your email to access your courses'. Click the blue "sign in to your account"...

Happy Fri-yay Reader! I wanted to pop in with a quick reminder that I've got three live sessions next week for my brand new free workshop, the Handmade Holiday Sales Accelerator. >>YES! I need this workshop!<< My robot assistant tells me that you haven't signed up yet, and unless you're planning on sitting this holiday sales season out – which would be totally fine (we all need a break!) – this is going to be THE most valuable 90 minutes you spend on your business this summer! Your holiday...

There are questions I see asked over and over again in art fair groups, craft market communities, and various other corners of the internet where creatives like us hang out: “Any shows this upcoming weekend with spots open?” “Looking for shows next weekend” “Any good shows under $30?” “Looking for shows this month that still have space” There are always answers, always shows, always some venue that is more than happy to take that table fee check...especially during these slower summer months....