🙇‍♀️ About that BFCM “to-do” list…

Only one more week till the biggest shopping weekend of the YEAR, which means you’ve got all of your ducks in a row


Or, are you like me (yet again):

📸 Feverishly photographing and editing products for your website

🙇‍♀️ Coming up with the most BRILLIANT ideas for new designs about 36 hours before that big holiday market

😷 Suddenly having the unstoppable urge to deep-clean everything around you (ok, that one might just be me, but my kiddo has Flu A so this whole house is getting bleached!)

I’ll let you in on a little secret Reader: you are the *only* one who knows if you don’t get all of the things on your holiday selling to-do list done…because you’re the one who made the list 🤯

You are neither behind nor ahead – you are simply where you are meant to be, and you are doing a GREAT job!

That being said, if you’re looking to perk up your selling pre-game to make the most out of the most epic spending holiday of the year, I’ve got ya covered!

Click here for 6 easy-to-implement Black Friday/Cyber Monday marketing ideas that will help you prep your business faster than you can say “just one more scoop of stuffing!”

P.S.: Keep your eyes peeled on your inbox next week, because I’ll be announcing Black Friday BLOOM Friday deals (including a chance to join in our epic 2024 live planning session) that you absolutely will NOT want to miss!

Click here to subscribe to Bloom on YouTube

Lucy at Bloom

✂️ Your go-to resource for learning how to find more of the people who will LOVE your art, so that you can sell more of your handmade products with lots of confidence – and WAY less hustle!

Read more from Lucy at Bloom

Hey there friend! Thank you so much for signing up for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday planning session. We covered a LOT in our time together! I am trying something new here with these workshops: they are hosted/stored on a platform called Thrivecart. You have been added as a "student" in there but you will need to create a password: you should have received an email from Thrivecart with the subject line 'Verify your email to access your courses'. Click the blue "sign in to your account"...

Happy Fri-yay Reader! I wanted to pop in with a quick reminder that I've got three live sessions next week for my brand new free workshop, the Handmade Holiday Sales Accelerator. >>YES! I need this workshop!<< My robot assistant tells me that you haven't signed up yet, and unless you're planning on sitting this holiday sales season out – which would be totally fine (we all need a break!) – this is going to be THE most valuable 90 minutes you spend on your business this summer! Your holiday...

There are questions I see asked over and over again in art fair groups, craft market communities, and various other corners of the internet where creatives like us hang out: “Any shows this upcoming weekend with spots open?” “Looking for shows next weekend” “Any good shows under $30?” “Looking for shows this month that still have space” There are always answers, always shows, always some venue that is more than happy to take that table fee check...especially during these slower summer months....